Thai Cannabis Corporation

The Thai Cannabis Corporation (TCC) is a social enterprise and embodiment His Royal Majesty’s Sustainable Farms 4.0 Initiative.
TCC will transform the cannabis industry in Thailand from the farm to the clinic, to international fulfilment and cross-border collaboration.

From Left to Right; TCC Founder Don Land, Dr. Weerachai Nanakorn Secretary General of the Crown Property Bureau, & Dr Virot Sumyai Commissioner of the National Cannabis Commission.


A letter from TCC Founder, Don Land.

The Thai Cannabis Corporation Ltd. got its start in 2010 because of Dr. Weerachai Nanakorn, Secretary General of the Crown Property Bureau and Vice President of the Siam Society, who at the time was appointed by the Queen of Thailand to be the Queens Regent and Director of the Queens Royal Hemp-Cannabis Project…

TCC Nursery

TCC Farm & Farming Network

TCC’s primary aquaculture-sustainable organic farm consists of five 20x30 metre greenhouses across 0.64 hectares. Additional land and greenhouses can be quickly secured through TCC’s extensive farming network. Smaller greenhouses are dedicated to germinating seed, selecting strains, and phenotypes while larger greenhouses are used for flower or seed production…

TCC Clinic Team

TCC Clinics & Clinic Network

TCC has registered clinics in five locations across Thailand, and it qualifies as a national company.  This means it has the ability to distribute and transport cannabis across Thailand.

As well as the five TCC clinics, ten more clinics are supplied by agreement. One of TCC’s clinics allows for a mobile facility that can tour large gatherings.